Bonjour and welcome to France! This theme week is all about France. For this week, we were operating still in quarantine and did these activities room to room or in the hallway. They could also be modified for group activities.
Day One: Monet Water Lily Pond
The first day is Monet's Bridge Art Project. The idea for this project is found on the Pinterested Parent. I used painters tape to create the bridge and we peeled the tape off once all the blue was added. Here is a picture the art my residents created.
Day Two: French Dance Inspired Exercise
This day we did the Can Can and the Allouette Dances as part of our morning exercise routine. Here are some videos we used to create our own exercise routine. We continued with these routines through the rest of the week during our morning exercise.
Day Three: Guess the Artist
Day three is guessing the famous artworks or artists. For this day I made a photo board of famous French artwork and under each flap is the name of the piece and the artist. This was for sure a challenge for many residents, but we all learned something!
Here are some links to websites that can give more information about some of the artists:
Here is the file with all my the photos and captions I used.
Day Four: Paris Game Day
Today we play some games! For this day, I made this Eiffel Tower Ring Toss. To make it I used a thin vase with rocks at the bottom to keep it steady with a cut out picture of the Eiffel Tower to paste on the front. The rings were just paper plate with the center cut out and painted in different colors. Mine is definitely a budget version; if you want something a little nicer looking I would take a look at this blog. We also had residents make their own little game of Bilboquet (cup and ball). This website features the directions on how to make one.
Day Five: French Music and Tourist Attractions
For this day I played French music on my violin. If you don't have an musician that can perform on this day, below are some YouTube videos for French Music.
Day Six: French Cuisine
For this day we served, Champagne (sparkling wine), cheese and French baguette. I also created a photo board with some well known French foods. Ask your residents if they have ever tried or made any of these recipes. What is the favor
Here is the file with the food pictures and captions:
Day Seven: Fine or Faux Pas
Faux Pas is the French term for a false step or a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct. In this game, you say the interaction and the resident will have to guess if it's good manners or not in French culture. You can either do this as a verbal activity or as a printable.
More Ideas and Resources
Check out the SLCA Pinterest for more French Themed ideas.